All attendees must remember that we are guests at the Grapevine Convention Center. Respectful and adult behavior is required in all areas of the Conference Center. Lone Star Game Expo reserves the right to refuse anyone service for inappropriate behavior. If anyone acts in an inappropriate manner, as deemed by a Magnate, Security, or Convention Staff, we reserve the right to eject you from the convention without a refund.
Lone Star Game Expo reserves the right to disallow or cancel any game or event that the it or the Grapevine Convention Center management deems inappropriate.
Lone Star Game Expo supports great games and good times. Therefore, we support the right of those running the event to request a player to leave the game should a player become disruptive. Also, should an attendee experience someone running a game in an inappropriate manner please inform the convention staff. If staff or guests is harassing you, contact Lone Star Game Expo management immediately at the registration desk.
We are happy to have players who are under thirteen years old attend the convention. However, convention attendees under thirteen years old must have a parent or guardian with them at all times while they are at the convention or they will be asked to leave the convention floor. Children who are thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen must have a parent or legal guardian in the Grapevine Convention Center, while they attend the convention.
Convention badges/bands/and the like must be prominently displayed at all times. Attendees must show their convention badges if requested to do so by a convention staff, game master, or security.
Attendees may not bring outside food or drink to the Convention Center. However, all attendees are expected to pick up their trash and clean up any mess they make— including spills and accidents. DO NOT EAT at the Open Gaming Tables unless you are gaming or your badge will be forfeit. These tables are solely for gaming. Tables will be set aside for this purpose. Attendees may eat and drink at an event if the GM allows it.
Players that are not at the game event table five minutes after the commencement of the event forfeit their space. Should a non-signed up player wish to sign up for the event. As a rule of thumb: be at the game table five minutes prior to the event.
Any incident involving theft must be reported to a Magnate or a convention staff member, along with the police if needed. The convention is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Convention attendees who misplace or lose their badges must purchase a new one.
If a game isn’t taking up the entire space you are expected to share the non-used space with anyone wishing to use it.
Lone Star Game Expo follows the Grapevine Convention Center’s weapon policy.
Pointy Sticks and other potential weapons are not allowed. Cosplayer weapons must be foam or covered with foam.